/* IRLibProtocols.cpp * Part of IRLib Library for Arduino receiving, decoding, and sending * infrared signals. See COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for more information. */ /* * This module enumerates the various supported protocols and defines a program memory * string used by the dump routines or your sketches to display the name of a protocol. * It is used by both Send and Decode sections of the code but not Receive. */ #include "IRLibProtocols.h" /* * Returns a pointer to a flash stored string that is the name of the protocol received. */ const __FlashStringHelper *Pnames(uint8_t type) { if(type>89) return F("Unsup"); if(type>LAST_PROTOCOL) type=UNKNOWN; // You can add additional strings before the entry for hash code. const __FlashStringHelper *Names[LAST_PROTOCOL+1]={ F("Unknown"),F("NEC"),F("Sony"),F("RC5"),F("RC6"),F("Panasonic Old"),F("JVC"), F("NECx"),F("Samsung36"),F("G.I.Cable"),F("DirecTV"),F("rcmm"),F("CYKM") //,F("Additional_13")//expand or edit these }; return Names[type]; };