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8 years ago
#pragma once
#include <Vector4.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string.h>
#include "LightController.h"
#include "map/Old_Map.h"
#include "Camera.h"
#include <GL/glew.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "Logger.h"
8 years ago
#ifdef linux
#include <CL/cl.h>
#include <CL/opencl.h>
#include <GL/glx.h>
#elif defined _WIN32
#include <CL/cl_gl.h>
#include <CL/cl.h>
#include <CL/opencl.h>
// Note: windows.h must be included before Gl/GL.h
#include <windows.h>
#include <GL/GL.h>
#elif defined TARGET_OS_MAC
#include <OpenGL/OpenGL.h>
#include <OpenCL/opencl.h>
#include <OpenGL/gl.h>
#undef ERROR
8 years ago
struct device_info {
cl_uint cl_device_address_bits;
cl_bool cl_device_available;
cl_bool cl_device_compiler_available;
cl_bool cl_device_endian_little;
cl_bool cl_device_error_correction_support;
char cl_device_extensions[1024];
cl_ulong cl_device_global_mem_cache_size;
cl_uint cl_device_global_mem_cacheline_size;
cl_ulong cl_device_global_mem_size;
cl_bool cl_device_image_support;
size_t cl_device_image2d_max_height;
size_t cl_device_image2d_max_width;
size_t cl_device_image3d_max_depth;
size_t cl_device_image3d_max_height;
size_t cl_device_image3d_max_width;
cl_ulong cl_device_local_mem_size;
cl_uint cl_device_max_clock_frequency;
cl_uint cl_device_max_compute_units;
cl_uint cl_device_max_constant_args;
cl_ulong cl_device_max_constant_buffer_size;
cl_ulong cl_device_max_mem_alloc_size;
size_t cl_device_max_parameter_size;
cl_uint cl_device_max_read_image_args;
cl_uint cl_device_max_samplers;
size_t cl_device_max_work_group_size;
cl_uint cl_device_max_work_item_dimensions;
size_t cl_device_max_work_item_sizes[3];
cl_uint cl_device_max_write_image_args;
cl_uint cl_device_mem_base_addr_align;
cl_uint cl_device_min_data_type_align_size;
char cl_device_name[128];
cl_platform_id cl_device_platform;
cl_uint cl_device_preferred_vector_width_char;
cl_uint cl_device_preferred_vector_width_short;
cl_uint cl_device_preferred_vector_width_int;
cl_uint cl_device_preferred_vector_width_long;
cl_uint cl_device_preferred_vector_width_float;
cl_uint cl_device_preferred_vector_width_double;
char cl_device_profile[256];
size_t cl_device_profiling_timer_resolution;
cl_device_type device_type;
char cl_device_vendor[128];
cl_uint cl_device_vendor_id;
char cl_device_version[128];
char cl_driver_version[128];
struct PackedData;
class Hardware_Caster {
8 years ago
ERR = 803
* Device is a storage container for device data we retrieve from OpenCL
* The data is mainly queries as strings or integer types and stored into
* respective containers. We store this data into a file and retrieve it later
* to let users select a preferred compute device and keep track of their choice
8 years ago
class device {
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct packed_data {
cl_device_type device_type;
cl_uint clock_frequency;
char opencl_version[64];
cl_uint compute_units;
char device_extensions[1024];
char device_name[256];
char platform_name[128];
#pragma pack(pop)
device(cl_device_id device_id, cl_platform_id platform_id);
device(const device& d);
void print(std::ostream& stream) const;
void print_packed_data(std::ostream& stream);
cl_device_id getDeviceId() const { return device_id; };
cl_platform_id getPlatformId() const { return platform_id; };
packed_data data;
cl_device_id device_id;
cl_platform_id platform_id;
cl_bool is_little_endian = false;
bool cl_gl_sharing = false;
* Hardware caster is the beginning and end to all interaction with the GPU.
* It queries devices, manages the creation of various data structures as well
* as they syncing between the GPU. It Handles computing of the cast as well
* as rendering of the computed cast.
8 years ago
virtual ~Hardware_Caster();
// Queries hardware, creates the command queue and context, and compiles kernel
int init();
// Creates a texture to send to the GPU via height and width
// Creates a viewport vector array via vertical and horizontal fov
bool create_viewport(int width, int height, float v_fov, float h_fov) ;
8 years ago
// Light controllers own the copy of the PackedData array.
// We receive a pointer to the array and USE_HOST_POINTER to map the memory to the GPU
bool assign_lights(std::vector<PackedData> *data) ;
8 years ago
// We take a ptr to the map and create the map, and map_dimensions buffer for the GPU
void assign_map(Old_Map *map) ;
// We take a ptr to the camera and create a camera direction and position buffer
void assign_camera(Camera *camera) ;
// TODO: Hoist this to the base class
// Creates 3 buffers relating to the texture atlas: texture_atlas, atlas_dim, and tile_dim
// With these on the GPU we can texture any quad with an atlas tile
void create_texture_atlas(sf::Texture *t, sf::Vector2i tile_dim);
// Check to make sure that the buffers have been initiated and set them as kernel args
void validate() ;
// Aquires the GL objects, runs the kernel, releases back the GL objects
void compute() ;
// Take the viewport sprite and draw it to the screen
void draw(sf::RenderWindow* window) ;
bool load_config();
void save_config();
// ================================== DEBUG =======================================
// Re compile the kernel and revalidate the args
bool debug_quick_recompile();
8 years ago
// Modify the viewport matrix
void test_edit_viewport(int width, int height, float v_fov, float h_fov);
// Iterate the devices available and choose the best one
// Also checks for the sharing extension
int acquire_platform_and_device();
bool aquire_hardware();
int query_hardware();
// With respect to the individual platforms implementation of sharing
// create a shared cl_gl context
int create_shared_context();
// Using the context and the device create a command queue for them
int create_command_queue();
// Buffer operations
// All of these functions create and store a buffer in a map with the key representing their name
// Create an image buffer from an SF texture. Access Type is the read/write specifier required by OpenCL
bool create_image_buffer(std::string buffer_name, cl_uint size, sf::Texture* texture, cl_int access_type);
8 years ago
// Create a buffer with CL_MEM_READ_ONLY and CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR
bool create_buffer(std::string buffer_name, cl_uint size, void* data);
8 years ago
// Create a buffer with user defined data flags
bool create_buffer(std::string buffer_name, cl_uint size, void* data, cl_mem_flags flags);
8 years ago
// Store a cl_mem object in the buffer map <string:name, cl_mem:buffer>
bool store_buffer(cl_mem buffer, std::string buffer_name);
8 years ago
// Using CL release the memory object and remove the KVP associated with the buffer name
bool release_buffer(std::string buffer_name);
8 years ago
// Compile the kernel with either a full src string or by is_path=true and kernel_source = a valid path
bool compile_kernel(std::string kernel_source, bool is_path, std::string kernel_name);
8 years ago
// Set the arg index for the specified kernel and buffer
bool set_kernel_arg(std::string kernel_name, int index, std::string buffer_name);
8 years ago
// Run the kernel using a 1d work size
bool run_kernel(std::string kernel_name, const int work_dim_x, const int work_dim_y);
8 years ago
// Run a test kernel that prints out the kernel args
void print_kernel_arguments();
// CL error code handler. ImGui overlaps the assert() function annoyingly so I had to rename it
static bool cl_assert(int error_code);
static std::string cl_err_lookup(int error_code);
//static bool vr_assert(int error_code)
8 years ago
cl_device_id getDeviceID();
cl_platform_id getPlatformID();
cl_context getContext();
cl_kernel getKernel(std::string kernel_name);
cl_command_queue getCommandQueue();
// Our device data
cl_platform_id platform_id;
cl_device_id device_id;
// And state
cl_context context;
cl_command_queue command_queue;
// Containers holding the kernels and buffers
std::map<std::string, cl_kernel> kernel_map;
std::map<std::string, cl_mem> buffer_map;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::pair<sf::Sprite, std::unique_ptr<sf::Texture>>> image_map;
sf::Sprite viewport_sprite;
sf::Texture viewport_texture;
Old_Map * map = nullptr;
Camera *camera = nullptr;
// std::vector<LightController::PackedData> *lights;
std::vector<PackedData> *lights;
int light_count = 0;
sf::Uint8 *viewport_image = nullptr;
sf::Vector4f *viewport_matrix = nullptr;
sf::Vector2i viewport_resolution;
int error = 0;
std::vector<device> device_list;