That was a really dumb bug! Octree was being generated mirrored because I second guessed myself on a for loop

MitchellHansen 8 years ago
parent 7c076ca63c
commit 1ed6a622bc

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ int main() {
// =============================
Map _map(32);
return 0;
// =============================

@ -5,20 +5,18 @@ Map::Map(uint32_t dimensions) {
voxel_data = new char[dimensions * dimensions * dimensions]();
voxel_data = new char[dimensions * dimensions * dimensions];
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < dimensions * dimensions * dimensions; i++) {
voxel_data[i] = 1;
// for (uint64_t i = 0; i < dimensions * dimensions * dimensions; i++) {
// if (rand() % 25 < 2)
// voxel_data[i] = 1;
// else
// voxel_data[i] = 0;
// }
setVoxel(sf::Vector3i(1, 1, 1), 0);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < dimensions * dimensions * dimensions; i++) {
if (rand() % 25 < 2)
voxel_data[i] = 1;
voxel_data[i] = 0;
octree.Generate(voxel_data, sf::Vector3i(dimensions, dimensions, dimensions));

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ Octree::Octree() {
descriptor_buffer = new uint64_t[buffer_size]();
attachment_lookup = new uint32_t[buffer_size]();
attachment_buffer = new uint64_t[buffer_size]();
@ -22,17 +21,14 @@ void Octree::Generate(char* data, sf::Vector3i dimensions) {
output_stream << " " << OCT_DIM << " " << counter++ << std::endl;
// ==============================
// set the root nodes relative pointer to 1 because the next element will be the top of the tree, and push to the stack
std::get<0>(root_node) |= 1;
memcpy(&descriptor_buffer[descriptor_buffer_position], &std::get<0>(root_node), sizeof(uint64_t));
root_index = descriptor_buffer_position;
// ========================================
DumpLog(&output_stream, "raw_output.txt");
for (int i = 0; i < buffer_size; i++) {
@ -41,6 +37,8 @@ void Octree::Generate(char* data, sf::Vector3i dimensions) {
DumpLog(&output_stream, "raw_data.txt");
GetVoxel(sf::Vector3i(1, 1, 1));
GetVoxel(sf::Vector3i(0, 0, 0));
bool Octree::GetVoxel(sf::Vector3i position) {
@ -51,7 +49,8 @@ bool Octree::GetVoxel(sf::Vector3i position) {
// push the root node to the parent stack
uint64_t current_index = root_index;
uint64_t head = descriptor_buffer[current_index];
// PrettyPrintUINT64(head);
state.parent_stack[state.parent_stack_position] = head;
// Set our initial dimension and the position at the corner of the oct to keep track of our position
@ -257,7 +256,7 @@ std::tuple<uint64_t, uint64_t> Octree::GenerationRecursion(char* data, sf::Vecto
uint64_t far_pointer_block_position = descriptor_buffer_position;
// Count the far pointers we need to allocate
for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_position_array.size(); i++) {
for (int i = descriptor_position_array.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// this is not the actual relative distance write, so we pessimistically guess that we will have
// the worst relative distance via the insertion size
@ -277,7 +276,7 @@ std::tuple<uint64_t, uint64_t> Octree::GenerationRecursion(char* data, sf::Vecto
// We gotta go backwards as memcpy of a vector can be emulated by starting from the rear
for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_position_array.size(); i++) {
for (int i = descriptor_position_array.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// just gonna redo the far pointer check loosing a couple of cycles but oh well
int relative_distance = std::get<1>( - descriptor_buffer_position;
@ -302,9 +301,10 @@ std::tuple<uint64_t, uint64_t> Octree::GenerationRecursion(char* data, sf::Vecto
memcpy(&descriptor_buffer[descriptor_buffer_position], &descriptor, sizeof(uint64_t));
// The position this descriptor points to is the last one written to the stack. AKA
// the current stack position (empty slot) plus one
std::get<1>(descriptor_and_position) = descriptor_buffer_position + 1;
// Return the node up the stack
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ std::tuple<uint64_t, uint64_t> Octree::GenerationRecursion(char* data, sf::Vecto
char Octree::get1DIndexedVoxel(char* data, sf::Vector3i dimensions, sf::Vector3i position) {
return data[position.x + dimensions.x * (position.y + dimensions.y * position.z)];
return data[position.x + OCT_DIM * (position.y + OCT_DIM * position.z)];
bool Octree::Validate(char* data, sf::Vector3i dimensions){
