@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
import cairo, os, math
class Renderer():
def __init__(self, settings):
self.settings = settings
self.svg_surface = cairo.SVGSurface("tmp/rendered-output-t.svg", self.settings.bed_actual_x, self.settings.bed_actual_y)
self.svg_context = cairo.Context(self.svg_surface)
self.svg_context.scale(1, 1)
def clear_screen(self):
self.svg_context.rectangle(0, 0, self.settings.bed_actual_x, self.settings.bed_actual_y)
self.svg_context.set_source_rgba(1, 1, 1, 1.0)
self.svg_context.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 1.0)
self.svg_context.set_source_rgba(1, 0, 0, 1.0)
self.svg_context.line_to(self.settings.bed_min_x - self.settings.head_x_offset, self.settings.bed_min_y)
self.svg_context.line_to(self.settings.bed_max_x - self.settings.head_x_offset, self.settings.bed_min_y)
self.svg_context.line_to(self.settings.bed_max_x - self.settings.head_x_offset, self.settings.bed_max_y)
self.svg_context.line_to(self.settings.bed_min_x - self.settings.head_x_offset, self.settings.bed_max_y)
self.svg_context.line_to(self.settings.bed_min_x - self.settings.head_x_offset, self.settings.bed_min_y)
self.svg_context.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 1.0)
# Render GCODE from the gcode-output.gcode output file that was generated in convert_gcode
def render_gcode(self):
file = open("output/gcode-output.gcode", "r")
largest_x = 0
largest_y = 0
smallest_x = 300
smallest_y = 300
x = None
y = None
for line in file:
split = line.split(" ")
command = split[0]
operands = split[1:]
prev_x = x
prev_y = y
if command == "G1":
for operand in operands:
if operand.startswith("X"):
x = float(operand[1:])
if x > largest_x: largest_x = x
if x < smallest_x: smallest_x = x
elif operand.startswith("Y"):
y = float(operand[1:])
if y > largest_y: largest_y = y
if y < smallest_y: smallest_y = y
elif operand.startswith("Z{}".format(self.settings.touch_height + self.settings.raise_height)):
# signify a lift
if prev_x is not None and prev_y is not None and self.settings.lift_markers:
self.svg_context.arc(prev_x - self.settings.head_x_offset, prev_y, 0.5, 0, 2 * math.pi)
self.svg_context.set_source_rgba(1, 1, 1, 1.0)
self.svg_context.select_font_face("Purisa", cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL,
self.svg_context.move_to(prev_x - self.settings.head_x_offset, prev_y)
self.settings.lift_counter += 1
self.svg_context.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 1.0)
prev_x = None
prev_y = None
x = None
y = None
if (prev_x != x and prev_x is not None) or (prev_y != y and prev_y is not None):
self.svg_context.line_to(prev_x - self.settings.head_x_offset, prev_y)
self.svg_context.line_to(x - self.settings.head_x_offset, y)
print("Largest X : " + str(largest_x))
print("Smallest X : " + str(smallest_x))
print("Largest Y : " + str(largest_y))
print("Smallest Y : " + str(smallest_y))
if largest_x > self.settings.bed_max_x:
print("X OVERFLOW")
if largest_y > self.settings.bed_max_y:
print("Y OVERFLOW")
if smallest_x < self.settings.bed_min_x:
if smallest_y < self.settings.bed_min_y:
self.svg_context.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 1, 1.0)
self.svg_context.line_to(smallest_x - self.settings.head_x_offset, smallest_y)
self.svg_context.line_to(largest_x - self.settings.head_x_offset, smallest_y)
self.svg_context.line_to(largest_x - self.settings.head_x_offset, largest_y)
self.svg_context.line_to(smallest_x - self.settings.head_x_offset, largest_y)
self.svg_context.line_to(smallest_x - self.settings.head_x_offset, smallest_y)
self.svg_context.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 1.0)
# self.init_surfaces()
def save_surfaces(self):
# Save the SVG so we can view it, then immediately reopen it so it's ready for a re-render
os.rename("tmp/rendered-output-t.svg", "tmp/rendered-output.svg")
self.svg_surface = cairo.SVGSurface("tmp/rendered-output-t.svg", self.settings.bed_actual_x, self.settings.bed_actual_y)
self.svg_context = cairo.Context(self.svg_surface)
# def render(self):
# self.clear_screen()
# # self.render_gcode()
# #
# # if self.label is not None:
# # self.label.pack_forget()
# #
# # # Apply the rendered gcode image to the UI
# # self.image_ref = ImageTk.PhotoImage(
# # Image.frombuffer("RGBA", (self.bed_actual_x, self.bed_actual_y), self.png_surface.get_data().tobytes(), "raw", "BGRA", 0, 1))
# # self.label = Label(self, image=self.image_ref)
# # self.label.pack(expand=True, fill="both")
def toggle_flip_markers(self):
self.settings.lift_markers = not self.settings.lift_markers
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
from svgpathtools import svg2paths, Line, QuadraticBezier, CubicBezier
import numpy as np
import bezier
class Svg2GcodeConverter:
def __init__(self, settings):
self.settings = settings
# First cycle base case flag
self.started = False
self.gcode_preamble = '''
G91 ; Set to relative mode for the initial pen lift
G1 Z20 ; Lift head by 20
G90 ; Set back to absolute position mode
M107 ; Fan off
M190 S0 ; Set bed temp
M104 S0 ; Set nozzle temp
G28 ; home all axes
G0 F{1} ; Set the feed rate
G1 Z{0} ; Move the pen to just above the paper
'''.format(self.settings.touch_height + self.settings.raise_height, self.settings.speed)
self.gcode_end = '''
G1 Z{0} F7000 ; Raise the pen high up so we can fit a cap onto it
M104 S0 ; Set the nozzle to 0
G28 X0 Y0 ; Home back to (0,0) for (x,y)
M84 ; Turn off the motors
# From an input svg file, convert the vector svg paths to gcode tool paths
def convert_gcode(self):
# read in the svg
paths, attributes = svg2paths("tmp/conversion-output.svg")
# Find the scale value by resizing based on the svg bounding size
bounding_x_max = None
bounding_x_min = None
bounding_y_max = None
bounding_y_min = None
for path in paths:
bbox = path.bbox()
if bounding_x_max is None:
bounding_x_max = bbox[0]
if bounding_x_min is None:
bounding_x_min = bbox[1]
if bounding_y_max is None:
bounding_y_max = bbox[2]
if bounding_y_min is None:
bounding_y_min = bbox[3]
bounding_x_min = min(bbox[0], bounding_x_min)
bounding_x_max = max(bbox[1], bounding_x_max)
bounding_y_min = max(bbox[2], bounding_y_min)
bounding_y_max = max(bbox[3], bounding_y_max)
print("Maximum X : {:.2f}".format(bounding_x_max))
print("Minimum Y : {:.2f}".format(bounding_x_min))
print("Maximum X : {:.2f}".format(bounding_y_max))
print("Minimum Y : {:.2f}".format(bounding_y_min))
max_x_dim = max(bounding_x_max, bounding_x_min)
max_y_dim = max(bounding_y_max, bounding_y_min)
scale_x = (self.settings.bed_max_x - self.settings.bed_min_x) / max_x_dim
scale_y = (self.settings.bed_max_y - self.settings.bed_min_y) / max_y_dim
scale = min(scale_x, scale_y)
print("Scaling to : {:.5f}\n".format(scale))
# Start the gcode
gcode = ""
gcode += self.gcode_preamble
# Walk through the paths and create the GCODE
for path in paths:
previous_x = None
previous_y = None
for part in path:
start = part.start
end = part.end
start_x = start.real * scale + self.settings.offset_x
start_y = start.imag * scale + self.settings.offset_y
end_x = end.real * scale + self.settings.offset_x
end_y = end.imag * scale + self.settings.offset_y
# Check to see if the endpoint of the last cycle continues and whether we need to lift the pen or not
lift = True
if previous_x is not None and previous_y is not None:
if abs(start.real - previous_x) < 30 and abs(start.imag - previous_y) < 30:
lift = False
# if the pen needs to lift,
# if lift:
previous_x = end.real
previous_y = end.imag
if lift:
gcode += "G1 Z{:.3f}\n".format(self.settings.raise_height + self.settings.touch_height)
gcode += ";# NOT LIFTING [{}]\n".format(self.settings.lift_counter)
if isinstance(part, CubicBezier):
nodes = np.asfortranarray([
[start.real, part.control1.real, part.control2.real, end.real],
[start.imag, part.control1.imag, part.control2.imag, end.imag],
curve = bezier.Curve.from_nodes(nodes)
evals = []
pos = np.linspace(0.1, 1, 3)
for i in pos:
gcode += "G1 X{:.3f} Y{:.3f}\n".format(start_x, start_y)
gcode += "G1 Z{:.3f} \n".format(self.settings.touch_height)
for i in evals:
x = i[0][0]
y = i[1][0]
gcode += "G1 X{:.3f} Y{:.3f}\n".format(x * scale + self.settings.offset_x, y * scale + self.settings.offset_y)
if isinstance(part, Line):
gcode += "G1 X{:.3f} Y{:.3f}\n".format(start_x, start_y)
gcode += "G1 Z{:.3f} \n".format(self.settings.touch_height)
gcode += "G1 X{:.3f} Y{:.3f}\n".format(end_x, end_y)
gcode += self.gcode_end
output_gcode = open("output/gcode-output.gcode", "w")
Reference in new issue