170 Commits (master)

Author SHA1 Message Date
mitchellhansen c3902c2f6e Added args and buffer handling, but now clEnqueueNDRangeKernel is failing
8 years ago
mitchellhansen 0c70c24a52 Switched names, thinking about how to do kernel args, and buffers.
8 years ago
mitchellhansen 5dea2494a0 Large amount done. OpenCL is almost completely abstracted out to the class
8 years ago
MitchellHansen edd8075afb Added a quick printout of the hardware info. Running into a problem choosing between platforms, going to abstract CL out into it's own class and hide all that logic
8 years ago
mitchellhansen 8f809f5f70 Starting on OpenCL, got cmake to link it correctly, and started on
8 years ago
mitchellhansen bf45af9bab Added the SFML vector class. Need to extend it to have
8 years ago
mitchellhansen c431d7452a Lighting, testing voxel generation
8 years ago
mitchellhansen 14987e3ba7 There we go! The raycaster now has a camera that renders without distortion and can be pitched, yawed, and moved on the XYZ axis. I'm not sure now if I want to: Add lighting, improve performance, or start working on porting it to OpenCL
8 years ago
mitchellhansen 2b7dceee1b Moved the view plane calc to the constructor, cleaned up old code. Added / removed relevant comments
8 years ago
mitchellhansen d609ed695a Going to need to get rid of the spherical camera
8 years ago
MitchellHansen eb889f9937 added header to play nice with macos
8 years ago
MitchellHansen 3deb3a2b08 alright, tried a different method of assigning voxel step directions and I
8 years ago
MitchellHansen f1c84c85b5 So it's rendering pretty much perfectly in the XYZ+ range but things break
8 years ago
MitchellHansen 0b8cd9a194 things are casting now and sfml is rendering the way I want it to.
8 years ago
MitchellHansen 2b46bef923 Basic render loop is taking shape. Digging back into the
8 years ago
MitchellHansen 37ef472f61 More work done on the ray
8 years ago
MitchellHansen 4432c0338b added the map, switched branches
8 years ago
Mitchell Hansen 624d2771ac Don't know what is in this one
8 years ago
Mitchell 45343a2e97 Delete .DS_Store
8 years ago
Mitchell Hansen 12a33740f9 init
9 years ago